"I have had the pleasure to work directly with Tricia Keightley, a business consultant, for the past three years.

Tricia brings a tremendous amount of knowledge and technical skills to starting and growing a business. She herself has created and managed several businesses and can speak with a tremendous amount of experience.

Tricia has demonstrated to me the importance of keeping “first things first.” From our initial meeting, she helped me outline and refocus my business objectives. Most importantly, she helped me to begin to put more effort and energy into the goals of my business rather than the distractions that were sidelining the growth of my business."


  • You have financial freedom

  • There is no fear of the unknown

  • You have complete clarity

  • You have time freedom

  • You have a clear plan and strategy

  • You have 100% guidance and coaching

  • You are completely confident

  • You feel the balance in your life

  • You get to help others

Everything and we mean everything you need to launch your business in 6 short weeks.

You only have to do approximately 20% of the work. The rest will be done by our experts!



Self-development is vital for successful entrepreneurship, as it enables overcoming internal barriers. By addressing self-limiting beliefs, we not only prepare our mindset for success but also shape a business ready for exponential growth. This journey involves identifying our unique mission, which guides our business decisions and heightens our venture's appeal. Thus, this transformation not only personal but also fuels the potential of your business.


The journey of idea generation, offerings, and market research. A clear mindset promotes innovative, disruptive ideas. Authentic offerings, stemming from your unique mission, resonate deeply with your audience. Market research, viewed with confidence and clarity, helps spot opportunities and shape strategic decisions. Thus, by reshaping your mindset, you create a business that's aligned with your mission, primed for success, and poised to deliver substantial customer value.

  • Purpose Statement

  • Crush limiting beliefs

  • Envision your future


Branding is key in shaping your business's identity. The messaging conveys your values, vision, and purpose, while the logo offers a visual representation of your brand. Typography enhances your brand personality, and consistency across all elements strengthens brand identity and trust. Thus, effective branding is crucial for a recognizable market presence and fostering customer connections.

  • Messaging: Mission, Vision, Values

  • Tagline

  • Color Palette

  • Typography

  • Logo

  • Guidelines


Systems and processes are essential for smooth business operations. They establish a consistent framework for task execution, reducing errors and redundancy. They also clarify roles, promoting team coordination and scalability. In essence, well-defined systems and processes boost productivity, improve service delivery, and drive business growth.

  • Services: onboarding, service, delivery, billing, customer service, scheduling

  • Products: prototype, product testing, sourcing, manufacturer, supply chain

  • Operations Manual

  • Project Management Tool Setup

  • Team Management

  • Automations


A professional website and effective SEO are crucial for your business's credibility and visibility. A well-crafted website showcases your professionalism, while SEO improves your online presence, driving organic traffic and potential customers. These elements are not just enhancements, but critical determinants of your business's perception and growth potential.

  • 4 page website customized for your business, 100% done by our experts with your branding and content

  • SEO optimized website

  • Course on SEO

  • Form for customer engagement

  • Lead generation pdf

  • Popup to subscribe to email list


A marketing plan is a pivotal element in any successful business. It provides a detailed roadmap for your promotional efforts, outlining strategies to reach your target audience, communicate your value proposition, and ultimately drive sales. It helps ensure all marketing activities align with your business goals and vision. Without a marketing plan, your efforts can become disjointed and ineffective. In essence, a well-structured marketing plan optimizes resource allocation, provides direction for your marketing initiatives, and is instrumental in propelling your business growth.

  • Social Media Plan

  • Email Marketing

  • Networking


A business plan is an essential tool for any successful venture. It serves as a strategic blueprint outlining your business's objectives, market analysis, operational structure, financial projections, and growth strategies. Not only does it provide a roadmap for your enterprise's journey, but it also helps attract potential investors by demonstrating the viability of your business. A well-thought-out business plan fosters alignment among team members, ensures focused efforts, and greatly enhances the likelihood of achieving sustainable growth and profitability. Without it, a business may lack direction and struggle to overcome challenges or seize opportunities effectively.

  • Brand basics

  • Value proposition

  • Target audience

  • Brand voice

  • Key metrics

  • Business model

  • S.W.O.T analysis

  • Elevator pitch

  • Market analysis

  • Competitor research

  • Goal setting

  • Executive summary

Our program stands out by offering hands-on guidance and support, instead of overwhelming you with endless courses. We don't just teach you the fundamentals, we also execute them for you. This unique 'done for you' approach simplifies your learning process and lets you concentrate on core business operations, fostering your success potential.

until your program begins!

We are confident that this course can aid any entrepreneur aspiring to expand in the digital realm. The strategies encapsulated have proven successful for myself and thousands of creators, and they can be just as effective for you.

However, your absolute satisfaction is paramount to us. If you decide this course isn't for you, we'll provide a refund, given certain conditions are met. (You can find all the specific details and requirements for the refund at the bottom of the checkout page.)

  • 12 Comprehensive Modules: Understand every step of the coaching and launching process through 12 detailed modules.

  • Weekly Q&A Sessions: Every Tuesday for 6 weeks at 12:00pm CST, engage in enriching Zoom Q&A sessions with Tricia to clarify your queries and learn from others' questions.

  • Accountability Coaching: Benefit from dedicated coaching in the Facebook group to maintain motivation, monitor progress, and receive essential tools to transition from a startup to a finished project.

  • Private Facebook Community: Network with like-minded business owners, share ideas, draw inspiration, and learn collectively while navigating through the course.

  • Training Videos: Short, digestible content videos in each module covering everything - from big picture strategies to specific step-by-step instructions, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience.

  • Interactive Tools, Workbooks & Checklists: Interactive PDFs, tools, and checklists in the modules aid in gaining clarity and implementing what you've learned, helping you transform your dream into reality.

What's cooking? Whether it's baking up your business plans or stirring in some innovation, I bet it's something special. I understand the thrilling yet daunting path you're on because, hey, I've walked a mile in those entrepreneur shoes.

Let's face it: entrepreneurship can be a bit like a roller coaster ride - full of unexpected twists, steep drops, and if we're lucky, some hands-in-the-air triumphs. But who says you have to ride solo?

Cue in the 'Logo to Launch' Program. Our aim is as simple as it is essential: to ensure no entrepreneur goes it alone. We're here to be your loyal sidekick, there through every stage of your business adventure, through each plot twist life throws your way.

But 'Logo to Launch' isn't just about business advice (though we've got plenty of that!). It's about creating a tribe of like-minded adventurers, each with their own unique path, but all sharing the same relentless passion and determination. Think of us as your business family - we celebrate your victories, rally during your challenges, and always bring an extra cup of coffee to late-night strategy sessions.

We're here to navigate each stage of your business journey, from drafting the perfect business plan to untangling the web of technology. We recognize that being an entrepreneur isn't just a job—it's a way of life. So whether you need someone to share your triumphs or just an empathetic ear, we're here for you.

Each question and answer sesh is an opportunity for you to learn, connect, and gain wisdom from other fearless leaders in the entrepreneurial sphere.

Remember, it's okay to feel daunted. It's okay to need a leg up. You're not alone in this journey. We're here to join forces with you, helping you blaze your unique trail in the business world. Together, we can conquer challenges, share victories, and keep the spark of entrepreneurship burning brightly.

So, are you ready to turn those dreams into reality with the 'Logo to Launch' program? Let's make this entrepreneurial journey less of a solo act and more of an ensemble adventure.

Thank so much, Tricia

I'm intrigued, but still unsure. Can this program really roll out the red carpet for someone like me?

Oh, absolutely! Our program is like a VIP club where everyone's on the guest list. The one catch is you must be highly motivated to get sh** done!

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur looking to up your game or a newbie who's just getting their feet wet, our program is designed to suit all. We're here to offer the guidance, tools, and confidence you need to strut your stuff down the business runway. So, if you're ready to take your brand to new heights, this program is definitely your golden ticket!

Alright, I'm intrigued. But is this program going to consume my daily schedule like a black hole?

Fear not! Our program is more like a well-behaved housecat than a black hole – it only takes what it needs. You'll typically only need to set aside a couple of hours each day, depending on your own pace. Think of it as swapping out your daily Netflix indulgence for a binge-worthy business boost. A bit of a 'stream' change, wouldn't you agree?

As a yoga guru running a serene studio or an entrepreneur creating wholesome organic treats for our furry friends, is this program my path to enlightenment?

Absolutely! Our program is like the ultimate yoga pose or the tastiest dog treat—it's flexible and appealing to all. Whether you're spreading peace with your yoga sessions or delighting doggos with organic goodness, we've got the wisdom and tools to help your business fetch success. Consider us the "downward dog" of business strategy—we're here to stretch and strengthen your enterprise in ways you never thought possible!

So, what's all the fuss about? What does your program really do for my brand?

Great question! Our program is essentially your brand's fairy godmother. It takes your brand from Cinderella-before-the-ball (logo design) to Cinderella-at-the-ball (online launch). We'll cook up a fantastic logo, garnish your brand's identity, whip up a stunning website, pen down a can't-miss business plan, and craft a social media strategy that's hotter than summer in the Sahara. All in all, we're your one-stop-shop for brand transformation!

How exactly is your program going to help me launch my brand online? Will it be like NASA launching a rocket?

Almost! We're your mission control for launching your brand online. We'll help you set up a website so engaging, even your grandma will keep scrolling. We'll create social media content that'll make followers swoon and a digital marketing strategy that'll have customers flooding in like fans at a free concert. Our aim? To blast your online presence into the stratosphere and beyond.

Business planning and social media sound scarier than a haunted house. Will your program be suitable for a newbie like me?

Absolutely! Our program is the friendly ghost in the haunted house of business planning and social media. We provide straightforward, step-by-step guidance on crafting a killer business plan and mastering social media, even if you're starting from scratch. No experience? No problem! We've got the toolbox and the tutorials to help you build your brand, brick by digital brick.

In essence, we're all navigating life's journey in search of the ultimate feeling - freedom. Our team of experts are not just your guides but also your partners, ready with the right tools, strategies, and insights to propel you leaps and bounds forward in this grand quest, helping you secure your feeling of freedom faster than you ever thought possible.

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